

betway是什么意思英美资源集团(Anglo American plc)本周邀请多位分析师和投资者访问智利圣地亚哥和秘鲁利马,详细介绍英美资源集团的三大世界级铜资产:智利的Los Bronces和Collahuasi,以及秘鲁的Quellaveco。

Mark Cutifani,英美州的首席执行官表示:“本周的访问将突betway是什么意思出第1层Qual Anglo美国铜资产和我们继续提供的显着性能改进。我们还在取得一些低成本的铜增长机会 - 从我们的Quellaveco矿井,秘鲁正在进行建设,我们在智利洛斯布朗科和科拉哈卢斯的发展方案以及我们的目标矿物发现组合。


betway是什么意思Anglo American今天将在2018年和以下三年内从智利的运营增加铜生产指导,如下:

2018年:~66万吨(之前为63万吨- 66万吨)
2019年:63万吨- 66万吨(之前为60万吨- 66万吨)
2020:620,000 - 680,000吨(从600,000 - 以前的660,000吨)
2021年:59万- 65万(新指导意见)

2018年的单位成本指导从原来的~145 c/lb降低到~140 c/lb, 2019年的指导为135 - 140 c/lb(新指导)。

betway是什么意思盎格鲁美国expects to add the first production from its Quellaveco mine in Peru in 2022. Quellaveco will produce 300,000 tonnes of copper equivalent per year, at a highly competitive first quartile cash cost of $1.05 per pound of copper, both on average over the mine’s first ten years. With a current Reserve Life of 30 years, Quellaveco provides significant expansion potential which, in combination with other organic growth opportunities, puts Anglo American on track towards producing more than one million tonnes of copper per year in the medium term.



媒体 投资者
英国 英国
詹姆斯Wyatt-Tilby 保罗加洛韦
电子邮件:james.wyatt-tilby@angloamerican.com 电子邮件:paul.galloway@angloamerican.com
电话:+44 (0)20 7968 8759 电话:+44(0)20 7968 8718
马塞洛丘韦 罗伯特·格林伯格
电子邮件:marcelo.esquivel@angloamerican.com 电子邮件:robert.greenberg@angloamerican.com.
电话:+44 (0)20 7968 8891 电话:+44(0)20 7968 2124
南非 艾玛沃尔沃斯
Pranill Ramchander 电子邮件:emma.waterworth@angloamerican.com.
电子邮件:pranill.ramchander@angloamerican.com 电话:+44 20 7968 8574
电话:+27 (0)16 638 2592
电话:+27(0)11 638 2786


本公告包括前瞻性陈述。All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this announcement, including, without limitation, those regarding Anglo American’s financial position, business, acquisition and divestment strategy, dividend policy, plans and objectives of management for future operations (including development plans and objectives relating to Anglo American’s products, production forecasts and reserve and resource positions), are forward-looking statements. By their nature, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Anglo American, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

此类前瞻性陈述是基于盎格鲁美国的现行和未来业务策略以及盎格鲁美国将来运作的环境的众多假设。betway是什么意思Important factors that could cause Anglo American’s actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, among others, levels of actual production during any period, levels of global demand and commodity market prices, mineral resource exploration and development capabilities, recovery rates and other operational capabilities, the availability of mining and processing equipment, the ability to produce and transport products profitably, the availability of transportation infrastructure, the impact of foreign currency exchange rates on market prices and operating costs, the availability of sufficient credit, the effects of inflation, political uncertainty and economic conditions in relevant areas of the world, the actions of competitors, activities by governmental authorities such as permitting and changes in taxation or safety, health, environmental or other types of regulation in the countries where Anglo American operates, conflicts over land and resource ownership rights and such other risk factors identified in Anglo American’s most recent Annual Report. Forward-looking statements should, therefore, be construed in light of such risk factors and undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.

这些前瞻性陈述仅截至本公告日期。betway是什么意思Anglo American明确地拒绝了任何义务或承诺(除适用法律要求外,收购和兼并的城市规范(“收购守则”),英国上市规则,财务行为管理局的披露和透明度规则,征报要求南非JSE有限公司的证券交易所,六个交易所,博茨瓦纳证券交易所和纳米比亚证券交易所和任何其他适用的条例)向本文包含的任何前瞻性陈述公开发布任何更新或修订,以反映任何变更in Anglo American’s expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.


betway是什么意思Anglo American是一个全球多样化的采矿业务,我们的产品是现代生活中几乎各个方面的基本成分。必威体育i888我们的世界级竞争性挖掘业务组合和未开发的资源提供金属和矿产,以满足世界发达和成熟经济体的不断增长的消费者需求。与我们的业务中心的人民一起使用,我们使用创新实践和最新技术来发现我们的产品的新资源和矿山,流程,移动和市场。必威体育i888

作为一个负责任的矿床(通过戴啤酒),铜,铂和其他贵金属,铁矿石,煤炭和镍 - 我们是珍贵自然资源的保管人。我们与我们的主要合作伙伴和利益攸关方一起致力于解锁这些资源代表我们的股东,社区和各国的可持续价值。betway是什么意思盎格鲁美国正在重新想象采矿,以改善人们的生活。
