This substantial commitment builds on what is already the world’s largest HIV / AIDS workplace voluntary counselling, testing and treatment programme, established when Anglo American became the first large employer in Southern Africa to provide free anti-retroviral treatment to employees in 2002. Reaching the dependants of all employees will be a considerable challenge, particularly where families live in remote areas, far from Anglo American treatment centres. Nevertheless, medical staff will endeavour to reach those most in need first and then broaden the base over time, such that all dependants enjoy the same level of HIV/AIDS care, support and treatment that is currently available to all our employees.
盎格鲁美国董事长马克·穆迪·斯图尔特(Mark Moody-Stuarbetway是什么意思t)爵士,艾滋病毒和艾滋病全球商业联盟主席说“在与艾滋病毒大流行的斗争中取得了重要的收益,但它仍然是人类历史上对健康的最大威胁之一。它对非洲的生命造成了重大损失,但在其他国家构成了日益严重的威胁。我们是不仅致力于解决我们的劳动力中的流行病,而且在受抚养人和受影响社区中越来越多地解决流行病。”
盎格鲁美国首席执行官辛西娅·卡罗尔(Cynthia Carroll)说betway是什么意思"Anglo American’s efforts to tackle HIV/AIDS are world class and we can be proud of the lead that we have taken amongst businesses worldwide. However, infection rates continue to climb in many countries within and beyond Africa, including in the UK, and we must continue to ensure that we spread our experience of tackling HIV/AIDS across our operations globally and to innovate in order to provide effective solutions within a confidential environment and with zero tolerance of discrimination."