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UK Gender pay gap report 2021

一个t Anglo American, we have a diverse population of people but recognise that we need to continue to work to create a truly inclusive and diverse organisation.

We are on track to reach our 2023 target of 33% female representation

一个s at April 2021, women make up 56% of our UK HQ employees compared with 54% a year earlier, and female representation continues to increase across our total management population.

We continue to focus on areas such as talent acquisition and development, so individuals not only get in but get on, as well as mentoring and opportunities for those from underrepresented groups.

这些努力正在我们更接近我们的目标having 33% female representation across our Executive Committee and those that report to it, we reached 29% by the end of 2021, up from 27% in 2020. We have made significant progress in both improving female representation and creating a more inclusive workplace in the last few years but we do acknowledge the need for these efforts to continue.

Key statistics and figures

一个nglo American in the UK

一个nglo American Services (UK) Limited is the UK company that historically has employed the majority of Anglo American’s UK workforce and is predominantly engaged in the provision of head office corporate services to Anglo American’s global operations.

The following sets out the information required by the UK regulation for Anglo American Services (UK) Limited, as at 5 April 2021. Our mean UK hourly pay gap of 44% is primarily a function of the representation of men in the most senior management roles in our UK head office, as shown most clearly in the quartile analysis. On a global basis, our gender pay gap(1)of 15.2% reflects the far greater balance across the full breadth of our business activities. We are confident that our pay policies result in equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender or other characteristics.

Metrics 1 and 2 - Hourly pay gap

一个nglo American is a global mining business, headquartered in the UK, and the majority of the senior leadership team is UK-based. The gaps shown below are largely attributable to the fact that more men than women are working in more highly paid, senior roles.

一个t the snapshot date of 5 April 2021, Anglo American Services (UK) Limited comprised of:

  • 一个UK workforce of 334 employees of which 44% were men and 56% were women;
  • 一个lthough there has been a significant improvement year-on-year, the senior management population was made up of a substantially higher proportion of men (71%) than women (29%);
  • 一个44% mean and 36% median UK hourly pay gap. (2020: 47% mean and 36% median).

Metric 3 - Hourly pay gap ratios

Metric 3 ranks Anglo American’s 334 UK employees’ hourly pay from lowest to highest and then splits the number of employees into equally sized groups. Reflecting the hourly pay gap described above, this chart shows that there has been little change year-on-year in the upper quartile, where the percentage of women remained static at 30%, however, the percentage of women in the upper middle quartile continued to increase year on year from 47% to 54%. Proportionally there remains more male employees than female employees in the higher pay quartiles.

Metric 4 - Proportion of employees awarded a bonus for 2020

一个nglo American’s UK performance pay schemes operate irrespective of gender, with the majority of UK employees eligible to receive variable bonus pay during the year. 2021 saw 84% of male and 80% of female employees receive a bonus.

Metrics 5 and 6 - Bonus pay gap

The factors driving the bonus pay gap are the same as for the hourly pay gap shown in metrics 1 and 2, being the imbalanced gender composition across the more senior roles in our UK headquarters. Variable performance pay structures for the most senior employees differ from those of the wider workforce, thereby further widening the gap. The decrease in the mean bonus pay gap for 2021 reflects the increasing proportion of female employees in more senior roles recognising there will be a lag given the vesting period for bonuses.

The UK Gender Pay Gap reporting requirement

Richard Price - Group General Counsel and Company Secretary

The UK Gender Pay Gap reporting requirement is a regulation under The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 that is designed to provide public transparency in relation to the difference between men’s and women’s earnings within a company. This regulation came into effect on 6 April 2017 and all UK registered companies that employ, in the UK, 250 or more people are required to disclose the specifically defined information by 4 April 2022. The source data for the required information must be at the ‘snapshot date’ of 5 April 2021. Anglo American is confident that it complies with the UK’s Equal Pay legislation, which governs the right to equal pay between men and women for equal work. I confirm the data reported is accurate.

Gender pay gap report – UK

一个t Anglo American, we have a diverse population of people but recognise that we need to continue to work to create a truly inclusive and diverse organisation.
